Sunday, December 02, 2007

Boating in Lagdo

These pictures are from a day out on the lake in Lagdo. It's part of a project by the Cameroonian-based NGO ACMS. They sell health-related products (condoms, mosquito nets, oral rehydration salts, etc.) and are trying to sell their stuff at a grassroots level through local community groups. It's a pilot program, and they chose the Lagdo aire de sante, meaning all the villages covered by the Lagdo hospital around Lagdo. (Lagdo is the arrondissement's seat, so technically they cover a bunch of areas, but this is just focusing on nearby villages.) I'm helping a bit, mainly giving a nasaara presence for the time being, but I'll hopefully be doing follow-up meetings with the groups next year. Here are some pictures:

Two posts in one day! The boat. 50.000 cfa per day to rent, plus gas, in case you're interested.

This is my friend/counterpart Yotti and I visiting villages with ACMS, the NGO, with a few others. Historical note: one of the first pictures you've seen of me in the last year, lucky you.

Left to Right: Boat guy, Fadi (health animatrice), Viktoria (German NGO worker, head of the project), Lagdo Police Commisioner (anglophone, apparently likes women's windbreakers, came along for the ride)

Village of Bengui

I'll explain this more, and the other things I'm doing, in my next post, which should be in a couple weeks. A bientot!


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