Tuesday, August 01, 2006

*rolls eyes*

After a long and convoluted thought process while trying to fall asleep last night, I've concluded that there are three conversationial topics in a group situation where one can roll his or her eyes and act like a baby until the topic is changed: Weddings, Philosophy, and Fantasy Baseball.

These are subjects in which a person who isn't emotionally involved in could care less about (or in the case of the stereotypical bridegroom I see on TV, not involved at all). Now, weddings and fantasy baseball are both understandable topics to veer into when surrounded by like-minded individuals at the lunch table. Both involve various specific minutiae that take on mammoth importance to the participants, like flower arrangements, bridesmaid dresses, and on-base percentage.

Philosophy, on the other hand, screams pretentiousness and not at all pressing when compared to the biggest day of your life and your wedding day. The self-importance of the philosophers sometimes deserves a punch in the face to spare everyone else (Unless you're at a table full of philsophers. If so, go crazy with your ethics.). Yes, the non-existence of time is a cool thing to think about. And, yes, I'm just bitter that I could've gotten an honors on my IS if I majored in philosophy and avoided macroeconomics. But it's even more exclusive than talk of dress shopping and Chris Capuano's strikeout-walk ratio (4-1, by the way).


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