Friday, August 04, 2006

PC - A Little More Conversation, A Little More Action

Okay, I lied, my next Peace Corps-related entry is not going to be after I get my invitation. It's going to be now.

I got a call from a placement officer Wednesday afternoon (August 2), played a nice little game of phone tag, and finally talked to her while driving down to Atlanta that evening to take my final. It was nice to finally talk to someone instead of obsessively checking my email forty times a day. Here's how the conversation went as I drove down I-75 like Ricky Bobby:

She wanted a little more information from my resume, which, she informed me, is the most important item in determining what I will be doing. This obviously makes sense, but I think I sent in a pretty crappy resume back in February. I keep it updated because I'm cool like that, but I don't think it does justice to how incredible I am.

Okay, getting back on track... The most important thing I gleaned from our conversation was that I will most likely get my invitation in the next two weeks. I will then find out with the invitation that I'll either leave in September or sometime between January and March (PCVs usually get sent out in giant waves from June-September and January-March). And I will most likely be going to somewhere in Africa, that most likely being in North Africa.

I've been getting my hopes up for Latin America throughout the whole process to the point where I would think about going to Africa and get disappointed. HOWEVA (props Stephen A. - is your show still on tv, by the way?), now I'm getting more excited about the prospect of going there and getting more excited in general. I just have to readjust my brain to Africa and not Peru, even though Peru doesn't have a PC program. Looking on the bright side, I told Tom (not that annoying myspace guy) that North Africa isn't that far from Europe, in which he replied I won't get malaria in Europe. Thanks, buddy.

Anywho, it was nice to hear from the placement officer because it means they haven't forgot about me. It was also a fitting time to talk to her because as I was getting a better sense of my future, I was about to get the economic monkey off my back and close that chapter of my life.


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