Sunday, December 10, 2006

"Peace Corps Don't Screen Crazy!"

One of my host uncle's isn't the sharpest tool in the shed (speaking of tools, the Cameroonian axe is a big stick with a steel blade wedged in).  About a month ago, he told me I was a missionary.  He said this because I was reading the Bible.  He obviously couldn't tell the book in my hand wasn't the word of God, but Middlesex, an amazing modern novel about a hermaphrodite.
Just a fews days ago, after having an awkward conversation about why I haven't had kids yet and the benefits of having a wife (we've had this conversation before... a couple of times), he then told me he was coming back to America with me.  Needless to say, not a very tactful transition.  Then this past Thursday, he told me I was Chinese.  I said I wasn't, he said I was.  I was having a great time, especially considering that my G-I tract has had a life of its own this whole week and I just wanted to go lie down in my room (without a wife).  A samarai movie came on TV a little later, and I asked my host brother Osuman what movie it was.  He replied, "Chinese."  I just said, "Ahh," and let it go.
I'm getting really anxious about going to post this coming Thursday (I hope to have my new address by Friday).  It's the realization that I'm going to be completely on my own that's making me lose sleep (really, though, I'm not that isolated at all from other PCVs, but still).  It's incredible to me that I'm finally reaching my goal of being a PCV after nearly a year of starting the whole application process.  I knew it was going to hard, but I'm just now realizing that it's going to be f***ing hard (pardon the francais) with stage winding down and thinking about packing up all my stuff again.  However, it is going to be nice to not be living out of my suitcase and having the freedom that attracts people to the Peace Corps in the first place.
During the swearing-in ceremony Wednesday morning, each stage (Health - moi - and Agroforestry) are wearing their own matching panyas (spelling is probably wrong, but African fabric is what it is. Talk like Yoda I must.). It's going to be funny... funny-looking.
I'll more than likely get the chance to write again before Christmas! Someone send me a bootleg copy of Casino Royale, and sorry if I'm not responding quickly to everyone's emails, I'll get to them eventually, I promise.


At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on passing the language test! And making it through this long process.
Take pictures!!!!
Have heard along the quilting grapevine about "glorious, tie-dyed fabrics from the Cameroons". Keep your eyes peeled.
Much love...we're so proud of you!
Mom (the original & still best)

At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So i just found out about this blog you have going. Jessie and Emily told me about it and i just read it all. Keep it coming. I'm wrapping up finals and then heading home after shoulder surgery from the OOC accident last fall. Should be a blast.

Bonne chance et amuse-toi.

(I got a nomination to PC in central asia.)

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed, I'm glad you're now speaking French at (and above) the acceptable level. Something I read said you wanted "Bill Simmons" columns, so I just went to Google and typed in his name. Then I was taken to the ESPN page, which said "Welcome, Jay." It was weird. Sometimes the internet scares me. Apparantly because I was last at your blog or something it thinks I'm you. Anyway, I've mailed you a little package that should arrive sometime mid-January, I predit, but to the Yaonde address. I hope rats don't eat it! Happy housewarming in your new home.


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