Thursday, April 05, 2007

Yaounde, Part Deux

So, I'm down in Yaounde right now at the Peace Corps using free Internet for the volunteers (this awesome service has yet to make up to the North province, but there is talk to install it). The last time we ("we" being people from my training group) was almost exactly six months ago when we first landed in Cameroon. Two ridiculous things: How much the Grand North of Cameroon is different from the south, and How much we've changed since the end of September. This is actually really overwhelming being here again. The climate and the landscape are incredibly different: we left Garoua in the semi-arid, almost desert, then we got to Ngaoundere, where the train leaves to Yaounde, and it was atleast 25 degrees cooler. Now we woke up this morning in the jungle and in a huge city that has a restaurant that has cheeseburgers, milkshakes, and flat screen TVs (delicious). I think I've mentioned it before in here, and Brooke brought it up again at the restaurant: what happened to this country to make the Grand North so much poorer than the south of Cameroon.

Off to IST in Kribi tomorrow.


At 1:41 PM, Blogger gina said...

really j, any tips on how to get you mail? (assuming you read my last facebook wall post to you) your mail is just sitting on my coffeetable and is like a month and a half late already. miss ya.

At 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jay...hope you get the box I sent. It's got good ole American junk and a Rolling STone magazine. Enjoying your blogs, hope you enjoy the 5 year olds letters to you.


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