Sunday, December 17, 2006

So I Actually Have To Work, Right?

So it took me 2 1/2 hours to get here in Garoua instead of the usual one. I got to Ngong fine (30 minutes), then waiting for another taxi there for another 30, then the taxi I was in (one of eight passengers... in a Toyota Corolla) had two flat tires. But I made it here to tell you, yes you, that I am officially a Peace Corps Volunteer living at my post for the next two years. Scary shit, lemme tell ya. It's no wonder why the PC tells us to not really do anything for the first three months accept try to integrate and get to know the community. I am all too happy to oblige.
I've been in Lagdo since Thursday morning, and all I've really done is open up my bank account, open up my post office box, buy some food, and avoid the outside world/the bat in my living room. I'm actually going to start work tomorrow, so wish me luck.
Here's my new address:
James Fisher
B.P. 75
Lagdo, Cameroon
That's it. You may want to add a Peace Corps or Corps de la Paix under my name just to be safe. If you sent anything to the Yaounde address, I'll get it in the next two months.
The swearing-in ceremony last Wednesday was an interesting experience. It's definitely not for us.  It's really only a big deal because the U.S. Ambassador to Cameroon (an RPCV from Cameroon) and all the local Cameroonian bigwigs show up to shake hands and smile for the camera.  The best part was the ridiculous fabric that all the health stage wore. When I get some pictures up, you'll have to put on sunglasses because my shirt is so bright.


At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

boo so does this mean you didn't get my mail?
thanks for the email & update.
good luck fishface.


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