Monday, August 14, 2006

PC - Disclaimer / Dodgeball

Okay, might as well get this over with because every other PC blog has one of these:

"The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps." - Volunteer Handbook, p. 65

I don't think I've badmouthed the PC too much (I'll wait until I get there). The only criticism that I've had so far is with my own personal ineptitude.


I was watching Dodgeball this afternoon because I have nothing else better to do, and this movie falls into the same category as Zoolander for me. I saw them in the theatre when they first came out and HATED them. But as I watched them again and again and again thanks to HBO and being in college, they have grown on me and are pretty watchable the sixth and seventh time around (Zoolander is still far superior).

One problem with Dodgeball is Vince Vaughn's performance. Granted, he doesn't have much to work with script-wise, but he seems to not really care at all. I think he does his best when he has someone else to riff off of, like Owen Wilson in Wedding Crashers, Jon Favreau in Swingers, and Luke Wilson and Will Ferrell in Old School. All the other people in Dodgeball are either supporting actors, the hot chick, or his enemy (Ben Stiller playing his character from Heavy Weights), so he needs to carry the movie by himself. It's like he's waiting for Jennifer Aniston or one of the Wilson brothers to pop up so he can say something funny. He's actually not the highlight of the movie, which is disappointing and surprising since he usually carries whatever scene he's in in every other movie.


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