Monday, September 11, 2006

PC - Information Overload

So, I began crossing off things on my "to do" list (I need to come up with a better way to say that: TDL? Okay, it's done. TDL.) So, I began crossing things off on my TDL - wait, I have to stop right now: Arnold Schawraznegegager is on Monday Night Football. I think Ahnuld just told Joe Theismann, "You're fired." (True Lies, anyone?) Okay, Maria Sharapova is on Letterman at the same time, and it's impossible to not watch that... there's just too much going on, which is the point I'm trying to make here:

I'm reading too many packing lists. They're really helpful and are giving me good ideas, but I need to soak all of it in and decide what's best for me. The best advice one of the sites (out of two that I'm going to link, but I've seen a lot more) had is the following:

Divide the things you plan to take into three piles: (1) absolute necessities (2) necessities and close to necessities and (3) luxury items. Absolute necessities should not exceed the weight limit specified by Peace Corps. If the absolute necessities pile does exceed the weight limit reduce the pile until it no longer exceeds the weight limit. Take half of the items from the absolute necessities pile. Take nothing from the necessities and close to necessities pile. Take one or two items from the luxury pile.

Nos vemos if I'll actually do that, but being organized is the key. Here are the links to the packing lists:

so it goes: peace corps packing list - This is part of an awesome PC blog. Really check out the other parts of the site, it's good.

What Should I Bring to Peace Corps - An extensive list in different categories like "most useful item", etc., from PC volunteers in different countries. I'm paying the most attention to The Gambia and Togo lists, as they are close to Cameroon. You knew that, right?


GWB said in an interview with Katie Couric (who really gives a rats ass about her doing the news, by the way?) the following: "You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror. "

Take a second.

Soak it in.

Should it really be that hard? Shouldn't that tell you something?


At 5:23 PM, Blogger Mike said...


I just came across your journal about your adventures in Cameroon. I added a link to your page to a database I collected of Peace Corps Journals and blogs:

Worldwide Peace Corps Blog Directory:

Thanks for volunteering with the Peace Corps!

-Mike Sheppard
RPCV / The Gambia (’03-’05)


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