Saturday, August 19, 2006

Brady, Brady, Brady

With my laundry and French CDs staring me in the face, I'm going to talk about something really important: greatest hits CDs. I'm having a rockin' Saturday night, lemme tell ya.

I've gotten a couple greatest hits CDs/singles CDs in the last week through lala, Tom Petty and The Cure (Staring at the Sea). I own a bunch of GHs/singles albums, and I usually agree with pretentious rock critics (is there any other kind?) that greatest hits cds don't showcase the full dimensions of a band and are purely released for commercial interests. However, the Tom Petty greatest hits has to be up there with Bob Marley's Legend as the GHs CD that might be better than any album they have made. I think these CDs exceeding their normal albums happens because their sound didn't really change through the years (I know TP is still making records, but he's almost as corpse-like as the drummer for the Rolling Stones, so I'm using the past tense.). The only song that doesn't fit in the Tom Petty CD is "Don't Come Around Here No More" because it's all drum machine and synthesizers when the others are straight ahead early 70s rock.

Well, this all I really have to say about greatest hits CDs, no big finale to sum things up. Now a few random things....

* I'm about 30 years behind the Tom Petty bandwagon, and now I'm finally giving the guy all kinds of Chopper to Chipper love. Heck, I'll throw in another picture of him for good measure.

Of course, I've heard all of his songs on the radio like everyone else, and his "Runnin' Down a Dream" was ubiquitous during the NBA playoffs. My interest was really piqued when The Onion AV Club, which is the peanut butter to The Onion's jelly, had this cool article on TP opening lines, so I got the GHs on the cheap from lala.

* Peter Gammons is getting better! As a baseball fan, this is really good news. ESPN loses a lot of its credibility when Gammons isn't around.

* Notre Dame quarterback Brady Quinn is gracing the cover ESPN Magazine right now, and I'm predicting the following over the next four months: Woo, Brady, Heisman favorite! Boo, Brady, you lost a game! Oh, nevermind, you're awesome! Boo, Brady, too much media coverage; no one would care about you if you didn't go to Notre Dame. Backlash over, but no one can stand the sight of you (unless you're female. Did we mention you are a good looking guy?). Everyone hates Notre Dame, yet their BCS game is highest rated next to the championship game. Brady wins Heisman, everyone loves Brady. Let's look at Brady's sister; she's married to AJ Hawk!

I'm really going to miss experiencing that last paragraph when college football season starts. Being a Notre Dame fan, the saturation coverage doesn't bother me a bit. This must be how Yankee fans feel.

* Pitchfork (pretentious rock critics) has a cool list of their top 200 songs of the 1960s.

Okay, time to get some clean underwear for tomorrow... maybe I'll post something about the PC next time... *faint*


At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out Live! or Kaya or Exodus by Marley before you call Legend his best album. Not even close.


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